Automobile Repairs

How to make A.C Colder in Car

How to make A.C Colder in Car
Written by Autofot
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How to make a.c colder in car if you find your car’s air conditioning system is not cooling as well as it should, there are several things you can do to improve its performance.

Clean or replace the air filter.

To check the air filter, park your car in a well-ventilated area and turn off the engine. Open your hood and locate the air filter housing. Remove it by unscrewing (counterclockwise) its holding screws with a screwdriver or wrench. Take out the old filter and inspect it for dirt and debris, which may indicate that it’s time to replace it.

To replace an old dirty filter, just do what you would normally do when you replace any part – remove all fasteners surrounding each end before pulling out both sides of the old one from inside its enclosure. Then put in a new replacement unit that matches exactly with respect to size (diameter) and length as well as make sure it has adequate sealing rings around all four corners before cutting off its plastic packaging so as not to damage anything else within reach while doing so! Finally reattach everything carefully back into place before starting up again with this step

Use a sunshade.

You can buy a sunshade at any auto parts store and use it to keep the car cool in the summer. The sunshades don’t lie flat on your windows, but they’re easy to install and remove.

Use a windshield shade.

A windshield shade is another option for keeping your car cool when it’s parked or driving around town! You’ll find them in the same section as sunscreen at stores like Walgreens or CVS, so look for one that fits well with how you park your car (e.g., if you park parallel but have very short cars, consider getting an RV-size windshield shade).

Park in the shade, or use a windshield visor.

  • Park in the shade, or use a windshield visor.
  • Parking in the shade will help keep the car cool if you have to leave it sitting for an extended period of time. A visor will also make sure that sunlight doesn’t shine directly into your eyes and get them watering, which can be distracting when driving. Visors are especially useful if you drive a convertible during hot weather, because they can keep direct sun off of both your face and the top of your head!

If possible, blow hot air out of the cabin before using the A/C.

The best way to keep your car cool is by turning on your heater before you turn on the A/C in order to remove some of the heat from inside your vehicle. This will make it easier for you to cool down while driving and reduce costs as well. If you do not have an electric fan or ventilation system in your car, then this step may not be necessary but will definitely help if done correctly!

If possible, set up a small fan in front of where passengers sit when they get into their seats so they can feel cooler while inside first before putting on any type of cooling mechanism like air conditioner during summer months when temperatures outside reach high levels (above 90 degrees Fahrenheit) which makes outdoor activities uncomfortable at times because sunburns occur frequently especially among those who don’t use sunscreen regularly enough!

Make sure your air conditioning system is properly charged.

To determine if your car’s air conditioning system is properly charged, check the coolant level in your car with a dipstick. If it’s low, add more to the system by following your owner’s manual instructions. Make sure you don’t overfill it because that can lead to problems like overheating and leaks.

Keep your coolant fresh and at the right level.

If you’ve ever owned a car, you probably know that coolant makes your ride go. It’s a mixture of water and ethylene glycol (an organic compound), which helps keep the engine at the right temperature, while also preventing corrosion in many parts of the cooling system. Your engine needs coolant to function properly—and if you don’t have enough or it’s old, it can damage your car by overheating.

Keep Your Coolant Fresh

If your coolant is older than five years, consider changing it out for new stuff because this chemical breaks down over time and loses its effectiveness as a heat transfer medium. Plus, it can cause leaks around seals because they become brittle after prolonged exposure to microbes such as algae growing inside your radiator cap during storage periods when no one has been driving their car for an extended period of time (eighth months being an example).

Specify an A/C condenser with a high heat-rejection rating.

Specifying an A/C condenser with a high heat-rejection rating is important. The higher the heat rejection rating, the better. The condenser is what cools the air before it enters your car’s cabin. This is why it’s important for it to be able to reject as much heat as possible, because this will keep your car cooler for longer during hot days.

Keep A/C vents clear and unblocked.

For the most part, if you’ve got a clean car, you’re in good shape. Dust and dirt can clog up your air conditioning system. Remove any obstructions, including leaves or other things that may be covering the vents. If there’s an obstruction in one vent but not another, this could mean that there is something wrong with your vehicle’s A/C system. Make sure that the vents are not blocked by dust or dirt from being outside in dry climates; this will cause trouble for your car’s A/C system too!

Open windows to get rid of heat – but not while driving at highway speed.

Open your windows, but not while driving at highway speed.

Air conditioning is a bit of a luxury in many parts of the world and it can sometimes be difficult to find the right balance between comfort and cost. But even if you don’t have an air conditioner, there are ways to deal with heat in your car. If your vehicle has power windows or door locks, open all four windows as high as they will go and leave them open until the interior cools down completely (this may take several minutes). This will help get rid of excess heat from inside your vehicle as well as provide extra ventilation for those long drives where there aren’t many stops along the way. The only caveat here is that if you are driving at highway speeds (more than 30 kilometers per hour), do not open any windows! Doing so could cause loss of control over your vehicle due to wind resistance and other factors related directly back into opening them again while still going fast enough that they would create dangerous turbulence around them. Read Also: Symptoms of Bad Turbo Vane Sensor

You can make your car’s air conditioner cooler if you know how to do it properly

  • Clean or replace the air filter. An air filter is necessary for keeping dust and other particles out of your car’s engine. If it gets clogged, your car may not run smoothly, and it can cause damage to other components as well. Keep an eye on the condition of your vehicle’s air filter and clean it when necessary to keep that part working properly.
  • Use a sunshade if possible. Keeping your car parked in the shade will help prevent overheating when you use A/C! You might need to park under a tree or drive around until you find one (or even just park in a parking garage). But if you have time beforehand to do this, it’ll make a huge difference in making sure everything runs smoothly later on!
  • Park in the shade or use windshield visors while driving with A/C on high—at least until things cool down outside again…

The air conditioning in your car can also be a lifesaver on a hot day, but it’s not always cold enough. In fact, many people don’t realize that there are some simple things you can do to make the A/C run more efficiently and even colder. These tips will help you make your A/C as cold as possible, and save money on your utility bill! Read Also:Why Is My Engine Running Hot But Not Overheating?

Set the A.C. to the highest and coldest setting.

  • Set the A.C. to the highest and coldest setting.
  • When you are driving at high speeds, press the accelerator lightly just before stepping on it firmly so that this will reduce the load on your engine while accelerating, which in turn saves fuel as well as reduces emissions from it by half or more than what they would’ve been without doing this small step of pressing lightly before stepping on firmly – even if it only lasts for a few seconds or so! This also helps keep its tires from spinning out or sliding around when driving over slippery surfaces (such as ice) because there isn’t enough traction yet with those tires due to being cold.”

Close all windows in car.

Close all the windows in your car. This will minimize the amount of warm air coming in and increasing the temperature inside. If you are driving at night, make sure that you close all four doors and windows before turning on your AC. If you have any pets with you, then be careful not to allow them near the vents or they may end up getting burned by hot air coming out of it.

Change your cabin air filter at home.

Car air conditioners work by removing hot air from your car and replacing it with cool air. The cabin air filter is a crucial part of this process, preventing dust particles from entering the system. If you don’t replace your cabin air filter regularly, it can cause damage to your vehicle’s cooling system and affect the performance of your AC.

To change a cabin air filter in most vehicles:

  • Locate where your vehicle stores its cabin filters—usually near the glove compartment or somewhere near where passengers enter/exit the car (you’ll see an “air conditioning” sticker).
  • Open up this spot on top and remove both sides of what looks like a rectangular box (this will reveal another box inside).

Park your car in the shade.

To make a bigger difference, park your car in the shade. Shade can help cool the car and prevent its internal temperature from rising quickly by reflecting heat away from the vehicle. Trees, buildings and other objects that cast shadows on your vehicle can all provide some degree of protection against solar radiation.

Make sure vents are fully open.

This may seem obvious, but you must make sure your vents are fully open before turning the A.C on. If you don’t do this, the air will only be forced out of one vent and not evenly throughout the car.

The best thing to do is open all of your windows if possible. This will allow for maximum airflow into your vehicle and ensure that air is being circulated properly with every turn or change in speed while driving down the road (or parked). Read Also:  Car AC Not Blowing Cold Air After Recharge

Make sure that when setting your A/C controls, they are turned up as high as they can go while still keeping it comfortable enough for everyone inside to breathe comfortably!

yes you can make A.C Colder in Car

Follow the steps below to increase your air conditioning temperature:

  • Open the glove box and look for the owner’s manual. It should contain a section on how to adjust the temperature of your car’s air conditioning system (as well as other important information). Most owner’s manuals contain directions on how to do this, but if yours doesn’t have any helpful tips, check online or ask someone knowledgeable about cars for help with finding out what buttons to push or levers to pull on your vehicle’s dash.


I hope this article has helped you understand how to make your car’s air conditioner cooler. It’s not always easy, but it can be done if you know what you’re doing. I hope my tips were helpful and that they help you get through those hot summer days! Also, if you are wondering how to make A.C Colder in Car, then the answer is simple. All it takes is some common sense and a few easy steps to ensure your air conditioning system is working properly. If you follow these tips, you can be sure that your ride will stay cool no matter what time of year it may be!

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About the author


Autofot is a website that blogs on the importance of taking good care of our automobiles. Little things that are ignored matter the most, hence we try to educate car owners and other different auto owners on how to go about taking care of their cars with little or no cost.

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